Tech Casa

Microsoft Updates Live Mesh: Mac and Windows Mobile Clients

Posted in Microsoft, Technology by thinkabouttech on October 30, 2008

Today, Microsoft will release a major update for Live Mesh, its consumer oriented cloud storage and synchronization service. Among these updates are more granular permissions for sharing folders, better support for large monitors during remote connections, and support for drag and drop between the online desktop and local devices. Live Mesh is now also available for Mac OS X (10.5.1 or later) and Windows Mobile devices. Microsoft also announced the worldwide availability of Live Mesh.

Mac users can now sign in to Live Mesh, go to ‘Add Device,’ and click the “limited Mac Tech Preview now available link.” However, it looks like Microsoft is only releasing this as a limited beta so far and will only allow a limited (and unspecified) number of Mac clients to connect to Live Mesh at first.

You can find a more information on Live Mesh blog

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